And then BOOM! A Mack truck flies through the room.

I’ve never mentioned it here. And, the truth is, I don’t mention it often. I try not to think of it, quite frankly, if I don’t have to.


But I was doing some cleaning yesterday and found my journal from last year.


Lots of people journal. My Mom has kept one for years. She writes her ups and downs, her dreams and thoughts, answers to prayer and the ways God moves in her life.

I’ve never read it. But, I think of it often and wonder what it will be like when I read it. How will it feel to look into her head and her heart. To peruse through her life from her perspective, to see myself through her eyes.

And so, I don’t talk it about it much, that my oldest daughter has Multiple Sclerosis. Diagnosed at age sixteen, after suffering through it for at least two years, she battles like a champ. She has always been a champ. At everything.


That’s why it was such a shock. A sucker punch. Yes, God, have my oldest daughter–the National Champion Gymnast. The one with I.Q. of 143 at age eleven. Take her brain, her body, use it how you will for your glory.

Did you ever have to say that? Has it ever occurred to you what it takes to say that? Do you know how...hard, it is to say that?

And so, maybe, letting you peruse my head–and my heart–from the private words I wrote in my journal last year, maybe that will help you see how it feels to say that. At least how it felt for me.

June 14, 2013

I do not want Erin to die.

And I hope no one reads this.

And I wonder why I have to step over throw pillows to find the couch. And where is the switch for the lamp???

And, as much as everything in my life is a story, I do not want this to be my story–my daughter is sick. My perfect, amazing, super-cala-fragil-istic over-achieving ninja daughter is sick.

And I understand what it means to be mad at God. But I wonder how long a person can stay mad at God? And is it really a sin not to trust God with all the bad stuff? When the bad stuff is gone, over and done with, maybe it’s easier to let go of it. When it’s going on, maybe it’s harder?

Does everyone’s life feel like a soap opera, or a bad mellow-drama?! It’s like, “What will happen next? Tune in tomorrow when Pam will say…’Oh, No!’…”

For real.

And even as bad as it seems, sometimes it seems not that bad.

And some days, I even forget the bad things.

And then BOOM! It’s like a Mack truck flies through the room.


Words can take us back. But they can also bring us forward. And a lot can happen in a year.

My daughter still has MS. And I am still trusting God. And some days it is easy. And some days…it’s not as easy.

But, I am still doing it. I’m holding His hand as I walk through this life. And, in that, there is life.


What are you walking through?

How is He holding your hand?

Leave me a comment so we can walk together.


Your art sucks.

2012-04-28 18.21.45


Alrighty then, let’s just get it out in the open why don’t we?


Your art sucks.


Your writing sucks, your singing, your poetry, your portraits and perspective are off. They’re just…bad. Anything creative you’ve done is worthless. You have no talent. No one, but no one, will ever appreciate your work.


All that time you’ve spent pursuing your dream? Wasted.


You should probably face facts now—you’re never going to make it in this world.


Give up.

Go home.



Did I miss anything? Because I think we should cover all the bases. Let’s just make sure we’ve done all we can to kill your dream. Leave no stone unturned, no insult left unsaid. I don’t want to give you any hope. None.


Surrendered yet? You sure?


Good. Now we can move on. Now you have no excuse to fear failure. Because you just had it. Right there. You failed to impress me. I saw you, saw what you had to offer, and I turned it down flat.


And guess what? You survived. It didn’t kill you. Your world didn’t end because I didn’t LIKE what you do. That art you made? That little piece of your soul that you somehow managed to let outside your body, out of your hands, into this big wide world all by itself—it survived.


Your art didn’t spontaneously combust when it faced rejection.

And do you know what? Neither will you. (Tweet that)


Oh, I know it feels like it will. And I know you think you might just die from the pain of not pleasing Every. Single. Person. But the truth is, you won’t. In fact, it’s just the opposite.


See, here’s the thing about failure that no one else will tell you—are you ready? It’s important. Essential. You need it. Not just need—want! Trust me, you do! You may not see it yet, but oh do you ever need some rejection.


Because rejection teaches you something that a thousand adoring voices will not.




Listen to me, rejection teaches you to believe the good. It helps you have faith in the one the reason you really did this in the first place; because you loved it.


That’s right. You didn’t think I knew that did you? You thought you could be coy. As if you could just take this art, or leave it. As if it doesn’t matter. You’re cool. You’re fine. Whatever. Accolades? Who needs em’. Cheers? Applause? That stuff’s trivial. You just did it to pass the time. Yeah…Right.


Don’t feed me that line of Bull. (And stop rolling your eyes. No ones buying that either.)


The truth is, you’re dying for this art. Aren’t you? You’re down right bleeding it out. And some days, it feels as if everything inside of you might just be sitting out on that page, or that canvas, and man does that hurt. And at the same time, it feels so good. In fact, I bet if you’re really doing the art you were made to do, it feels like Heaven. As if God himself is smiling on you. Holding your hand. It’s divine, isn’t it?


And that’s where the fear comes in.


Fear will lie to you. It will tell you that you need the fans. You need the followers. But the truth is—you need the art. (Tweet that!)


You need the art because that’s where you find the sweet spot. Doing the art is where you feel alive. Who cares if ANYONE likes it? EVER?

The question is, do you? Do you love the art you you’re doing? Is it the best you’ve got? Are you really showing us the truth? The truth about you and the truth about your beauty. The real beauty deep, deep inside you, the beauty that’s dying to come out.


Because if you’re showing us that, how can we not love it.


But you’ve got to go there. You’ve got to get to the good stuff. That lost part of you, that place you keep covered so no one can see. Yes, that. We need to see that. We are waiting. We are waiting and hoping you will let us see you, the real you, the true you. And man, are we praying that you figure out who the heck that is. Soon.


This pandering, and playing around, that’s not who you are. Stop that. Just stop it. Right now. Let us in.


Let us see you. Show us your art.


Show us your heART.


Stop hiding. The world is waiting.


Now that you’ve faced rejection, you have no excuse. Go make your art and let us love it, or not. But please, by all means, make the art.


Live the art.

Be the art.

We need it.



Starbucks must not think this painting of mine sucks…they let me hang it in their shop.


What do you think?

We have a winner!


Thanks to everyone who commented on last weeks FRIDAY FREEBIE post! I’m excited to announce that Shelly was the winner of Takedown by W.G. Griffiths! I will be contacting her this week to get an address to ship the book and chocolate her way. It’s a great story and one I know she will love.

As a first time give-away, FRIDAY FREEBIE seemed to be placed on the wrong day for involvement. After reviewing some stats, I have decided that I will change the rules and the drawing will be based on comments left on my weekly blog posts (however many I have that week). I will draw a lucky winner and post their name on Friday, rather than waiting until the following Monday. Or Tuesday, as this week has worked out with a snow day and no internet due to ice on our satellite dish. 🙂 (Thanks for grace!)

I’m really excited to continue this promotion though as I really want to share some great Christian Fiction with my readers. I have purchased close to thirty titles to start this promotion and will continue to add to that as I go along. There are so many great authors writing in the CBA (Christian Book Association) and I hope to share some of them with you so please check in weekly. Or better yet, sign up for my email posts and get them delivered right to your inbox so you never miss an opportunity to win!

I also plan to include some non-fiction titles from my favorite authors like Francis Chan, Jennie Allen, Emily Freeman, Donald Miller, Phillip Yancy, Margaret Feinberg, and Lisa Bevere, just to name a few. Stay tuned for reviews of current non-fiction titles as well!

Is there a particular author you enjoy? please share in the comments and let me know who’s on your TBR list, or what book you’d love to win on a FRIDAY FREEBIE post!!