Your art sucks.

2012-04-28 18.21.45


Alrighty then, let’s just get it out in the open why don’t we?


Your art sucks.


Your writing sucks, your singing, your poetry, your portraits and perspective are off. They’re just…bad. Anything creative you’ve done is worthless. You have no talent. No one, but no one, will ever appreciate your work.


All that time you’ve spent pursuing your dream? Wasted.


You should probably face facts now—you’re never going to make it in this world.


Give up.

Go home.



Did I miss anything? Because I think we should cover all the bases. Let’s just make sure we’ve done all we can to kill your dream. Leave no stone unturned, no insult left unsaid. I don’t want to give you any hope. None.


Surrendered yet? You sure?


Good. Now we can move on. Now you have no excuse to fear failure. Because you just had it. Right there. You failed to impress me. I saw you, saw what you had to offer, and I turned it down flat.


And guess what? You survived. It didn’t kill you. Your world didn’t end because I didn’t LIKE what you do. That art you made? That little piece of your soul that you somehow managed to let outside your body, out of your hands, into this big wide world all by itself—it survived.


Your art didn’t spontaneously combust when it faced rejection.

And do you know what? Neither will you. (Tweet that)


Oh, I know it feels like it will. And I know you think you might just die from the pain of not pleasing Every. Single. Person. But the truth is, you won’t. In fact, it’s just the opposite.


See, here’s the thing about failure that no one else will tell you—are you ready? It’s important. Essential. You need it. Not just need—want! Trust me, you do! You may not see it yet, but oh do you ever need some rejection.


Because rejection teaches you something that a thousand adoring voices will not.




Listen to me, rejection teaches you to believe the good. It helps you have faith in the one the reason you really did this in the first place; because you loved it.


That’s right. You didn’t think I knew that did you? You thought you could be coy. As if you could just take this art, or leave it. As if it doesn’t matter. You’re cool. You’re fine. Whatever. Accolades? Who needs em’. Cheers? Applause? That stuff’s trivial. You just did it to pass the time. Yeah…Right.


Don’t feed me that line of Bull. (And stop rolling your eyes. No ones buying that either.)


The truth is, you’re dying for this art. Aren’t you? You’re down right bleeding it out. And some days, it feels as if everything inside of you might just be sitting out on that page, or that canvas, and man does that hurt. And at the same time, it feels so good. In fact, I bet if you’re really doing the art you were made to do, it feels like Heaven. As if God himself is smiling on you. Holding your hand. It’s divine, isn’t it?


And that’s where the fear comes in.


Fear will lie to you. It will tell you that you need the fans. You need the followers. But the truth is—you need the art. (Tweet that!)


You need the art because that’s where you find the sweet spot. Doing the art is where you feel alive. Who cares if ANYONE likes it? EVER?

The question is, do you? Do you love the art you you’re doing? Is it the best you’ve got? Are you really showing us the truth? The truth about you and the truth about your beauty. The real beauty deep, deep inside you, the beauty that’s dying to come out.


Because if you’re showing us that, how can we not love it.


But you’ve got to go there. You’ve got to get to the good stuff. That lost part of you, that place you keep covered so no one can see. Yes, that. We need to see that. We are waiting. We are waiting and hoping you will let us see you, the real you, the true you. And man, are we praying that you figure out who the heck that is. Soon.


This pandering, and playing around, that’s not who you are. Stop that. Just stop it. Right now. Let us in.


Let us see you. Show us your art.


Show us your heART.


Stop hiding. The world is waiting.


Now that you’ve faced rejection, you have no excuse. Go make your art and let us love it, or not. But please, by all means, make the art.


Live the art.

Be the art.

We need it.



Starbucks must not think this painting of mine sucks…they let me hang it in their shop.


What do you think?

9 thoughts on “Your art sucks.

  1. Yep. My art sucks. My skill hasn’t caught up yet with my taste, but you’re absolutely right. I do it because I can’t NOT do it. And each time I do it and share it and get feedback, I grow.

      • This is something I took many years to learn. If you are doing art to please others you totally miss the point.
        I love that you started with failure and that it didn’t kill us. Keep up the honest writing.

  2. Im in a place where I love my art, I think I have found my heaven and the journey of really showing what I can do will happen in the near future. Now there was a time I would have said my art did suck but I have been practicing every day and that is the secret. Whatever you suck at, you can change by learning. Great post Pam thanks. Cool to have your work in a coffee shop…well done.

    • Thanks Kath! yes, practice makes perfect…or at least better! I love your art 🙂 And thanks, I have my art up in multiple places actually. I will have to share more pictures. Coffee shops are great places to share and enjoy art!

  3. Great post, Pam! It’s taken me a long time to learn that I must first write for myself. And I know that I’ll never please everyone – none of us will. Yet as Christine said, I write because I can’t help but write.

    • Thanks Joan! It is so freeing to write for yourself. Or maybe to realize that you can write for yourself and still be appreciated 🙂

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